Doctor Questions Doctor

Muscle between my thumb and index finger?

The muscle between my thumb and index finger is very swollen and larger compared to other people I’ve seen. I noticed it about 6 months ago. It doesn’t really hurt until I start pushing or thinking about it. But it seems to be swollen and large looking.

Male | 33 years old
Complaint duration: 1 year

6 Answers

definetly more of an urgent care problem. Out of the scope for chiropractors
That’s a long time for that swelling to be there. I would suggest getting that looked at to see what is causing the problem.
Hello, it definitely doesn't look normal. I would suggest having a doctor look at it and possibly get some imaging to figure out what's going on.
Right off the bat, I cannot say what that is. We would need to talk and then complete an evalution based on the results of our conversation. For a rapid diagnosis, you could ask your primary for an XR and ultrasound to better understand what is going on on underneath the skin.
Kindly have your hand evaluated by your primary dr or an orthopedist at the earliest convenience.
It does look really swollen. You should get an examination to determine if it is related to the soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, or ligaments or if there is a bony problem in that area. After the exam, an x-ray may be necessary to rule out any bone changes. I would think if the swelling was just some simple inflammation from sprain/strain, it would have gone down after 6 months. Better get it checked out!