“Musculoskeletal discomfort?”
I was diagnosed with GERD in 2013 but haven't had significant flair-ups for some time (only if I really overdo it with certain food or drink). In any case, I've taken some PPI's for the last month or so...it hasn't made a difference. I have continued to train athletically - not overdoing it, but I guess that's all relative. My main activity is running and cycling, with a bit of weight training every now and then. The pain is not sharp. It is dull. I wondered if it might be persistent costochondritis. I can pop or crack my sternum dozens of times per day (which sometimes helps the discomfort just slightly), especially when straightening from a period of slouching. This has been going on for years, with varying frequency (but never goes away). But from what I understand costochondritis means that the area would be sensitive to the touch (which it isn't, or not much).
I am concerned that this is some kind of cancer - perhaps lung or - due to the GERD, esophagus cancer (or something else I don't know). Could a growing tumor be causing this? Could it be musculoskeletal? A doctor when I was a teen suggested I might have a touch of scoliosis...but it's never caused problems. I scheduled an appointment with a new family doc, but it's only in Sept - as there's a delay in seeing new patients.
Male | 36 years old
Complaint duration: 4/5 months.
Conditions: GERD
5 Answers
GeneralPractitionerGeneralPracticeIf your symptoms worsen or you experience new symptoms like severe pain, difficulty breathing, or significant weight loss, consider seeking medical attention sooner.
Ronald Peters MD