Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

My ECG results?

How do I understand my ECG results?


1 Answer

That looks like a normal EKG, but let me explain what the "gibberish" means. Vent rate is how fast the bottom part of your heart is beating. The atrial rate is how fast the top (chamber/s) of your heart is beating. Usually the top of the heart determines how fast the heart beats so in a normal heart the two rates should be the same, as they are in your case. Usually, there is an electrical charge that is generated in the top chambers, which distributes through the heart and makes the muscle contract. The time it takes for the charge to get from the top chambers to the bottom chambers is the PR interval, and it usually takes 120 to 200 milliseconds (ms). The time it takes for the charge to distribute throughout the bottom chambers if the QRS duration. The electrical charge induces muscle contraction. After a contraction, the heart muscle must rest before another charge can induce another contraction. The QT interval has to do with the time that the heart resets itself for another charge to induce a contraction. The P-R-T axes indicate the direction of flow of charges through the heart. The p-axis indicates the direction of flow of charge through the top chambers of the heart, the R and T-axes indicates the direction in the lower chambers, and the direction of flow when the heart is resetting itself for another contraction.

PS: I have written this without the opportunity to read other answers to this question, so forgive my redundancy.