Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

My classmate has a keratoconjunctivitis?

I sat next to her the day before she noticed initial symptoms. She couldn't open her eyes because they burned. Could have I caught the virus as well even if she didn't have the symptoms that day yet or I shouldn't worry about it? Thanks.

Male | 18 years old
Complaint duration: 1

4 Answers

Be careful and take precautions
It would be very unlikely to have contracted the virus from a classmate without touching them or something they have touched, and then touching your eyes or face area. If you are at all concerned, you should use artificial tears 4-6x a day. If you do show any symptoms, you should see and Ophthalmologist promptly.
You can catch very contagious virus infections through contact with her tears, thus, if you do not touch your eyes, you should be okay. It's easy to transmit from children who touch their eyes and then doorknobs and others do the same and touch their own eye, they will contract the virus. Sharing pillows or face towels would also transmit the virus.

Most common keratoconjunctivides are adenoviral. Hence, you would catch this infection the same way you would catch the common cold from someone. I would hope most students in a classroom environment are practicing good personal hygiene and sensible precautions to prevent any viral transmissions.