Podiatrist Questions Podiatrist

My dad has a hole with while skin around between his 4th and 5th toe?

He was at many places to find out what it is. It was always something else and the care that they gave him did not help. He even got it cut out but didn't help. He has a job where he stands for 8 hours and the pain sometimes is really strong, never really goes away.

Male | 46 years old
Complaint duration: Its been going for 1 and a half year.
Medications: He was given creams and oils.
Conditions: It was even cut out but didn't help.

9 Answers

Probably a fungal infection. See a dermatologist.
Sounds like there is a more underlying bone issue, xrays is needed to determine the root cause of it. joint issue such as mal alignment can cause stress and rubbing that creates skin issues. recommend seeking out a local podiatrist for help.
Has he seen a podiatrist for the issue?
It is difficult to understand exactly what you are talking about. I understand you've had it checked, but did you actually see a Podiatrist? My recommendation would be at this point to find a surgically board certified Podiatrist who has at least 10 years of experience and make an appointment with that person in your town. It could be a Helloma Molle (corn between the toes), or it could be a bad fungal infection. Again, it is very difficult to understand from your description what is going on in this situation.

These are tough things to deal with. My first response is to have him see one of the wound care clinics that are part of a national chain. You should be able to find one on a search on Google near you. If he has been to one, try a different one.
Probably athlete's foot.
There could be a number of reasons it does not heal: inadequate circulation, chronic infection or bone infection, poor nutrition, etc.
He may need an X-ray to determine if he is having pressure from the bones of the 4th and 5th toes. I recommend he be evaluated by a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) for further workup.
Your Dad needs a pulse volume recording and ankle brachial indices. Consult vascular surgery.