Gastroenterologist Questions Burping

My friend burps a lot

Recently this friend came over to live with us, and for some reason she burps from time to time, especially after eating. All of the burps are very audible but not super nasty. She says it has always been that way and has nothing to do with flu or covid. However, all the people I've known doesn't have that characteristic, nor does anyone in her family. She also has no other symptoms/side effects other than it gets a bit awkward and gross for all of us every time she burps.

Female | 16 years old

1 Answer

It is normal to burp after eating or swallowing, but if it happens a lot then sometimes it is behavior meant to relive some stomach discomfort. Sometimes it happens due to swallowing of air without realizing it, then burping it out almost immediately. This is called supragastric belching syndrome. If your friend has any discomfort or the burping bothers her, then a good GI doctor can hopefully help her.