Dentist Questions Dentist

My teeth are always yellow even after i brush it everyday

i Brush my teeth every time i eat something but it's still kind of a yellowish color what should i do?

Male | 14 years old

12 Answers

To begin with , you must visit your dentist routinely to get a professional cleaning . Then ask your dentist for a teeth whitening system that best for your age.
Some teeth are naturally more yellow. The good news is yellow teeth are the easiest to whiten. I see that you are 14 years old, but even at that age, we can whiten your teeth to a brighter white, and give you more of a reason to smile. Have your parent give us a call at General and Cosmetic Dentistry of Tampa. The average cost to whiten your entire mouth is under $400 and you will be able to keep the trays and re-whiten for touchups later in life.
teeth whitening is a way to remove yellow stains..starting with whitening toothpaste or teeth whitening strips is relatively safe. Given your age You should consult with your parents and even your dentist about using any of these products first.
Without looking at your teeth, I can’t properly diagnose what the situation is. It’s very possible that the stain is caused by food which is treatable with tooth whitening, or it could also be from the way the teeth formed when you were young. I would consult with a dentist to make a diagnosis and decide on proper treatment.
If your teeth appear yellow even after regular brushing, there could be several reasons for this discoloration. Here are a few potential causes and solutions:

Poor oral hygiene: While you mention brushing your teeth regularly, it's important to ensure you are using proper brushing technique and spending enough time cleaning all tooth surfaces. Additionally, remember to floss daily and consider using mouthwash as part of your oral hygiene routine.

Food and beverages: Certain foods and drinks, such as coffee, tea, red wine, and berries, can stain teeth over time. Limiting your consumption of these items or rinsing your mouth with water after consuming them can help reduce staining.

Tobacco use: Smoking or chewing tobacco can lead to severe teeth discoloration. Quitting tobacco use can greatly improve the appearance of your teeth and benefit your overall oral health.

Aging: As we age, the outer layer of tooth enamel gradually wears away, revealing the dentin beneath, which is naturally yellowish. This can give the appearance of yellow teeth. While you can't reverse this natural process, professional teeth whitening treatments can help improve the color of your teeth.

Underlying dental conditions: Certain dental conditions, such as enamel hypoplasia or dental fluorosis, can cause intrinsic tooth discoloration. If you suspect an underlying dental issue, it's best to consult with a dentist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment options.

Consider scheduling an appointment with your dentist to discuss your concerns. They can evaluate your teeth, provide professional advice, and recommend appropriate solutions, such as professional teeth whitening, if necessary.
Go for a professional cleaning and dental evaluation for better options. Continue to brush, change your toothbrush every 3-4months or when you are sick.
Perhaps you can see a dentist to ask about bleaching your teeth.
Usually it’s bet to wait till you’re a bit older to do this though.
The outer-most layer of your teeth actually contains small pores that can stain over time. Coffee is a classic substance that can stain the enamel of your teeth. Using a whitening toothpaste daily can help some but if you really want to blast away stains, ask your dentist about a whitening procedure they can recommend. This can be a single appointment using a powerful whitening agent (not found in stores) along with a special light that activates the whitening agent. This single-visit teeth whitening service usually takes about an hour and can whiten your teeth 7, 8, or even 9 shades whiter. If that's not your thing, your dentist can usually provide you with a more powerful home-whitening kit than what you can get in the store.
You need to see a dentist to find out if this is an intrinsic or extrinsic stain.
Sometimes your natural tooth enamel can have a more yellow or brown hue or you may have something in your diet that is really staining your teeth in a more tenacious way that brushing alone can't combat. Feel free to talk to your dentist about your whitening options.
Professional dental cleanings every six month will help to remove all stains from the teeth. We don’t recommend any type of teeth whitening until age of 18. But you can use the toothpaste with some whitening component on the regular basis. Brush and floss your teeth twice a day. Use soft or medium toothbrush. Do not over-brush the teeth to avoid the enamel damage.
See your dentist and have them advise you on the best way to whiten your teeth. They also may need a good cleaning. At your age great job on caring about your teeth and brushing frequently. Dr Kristi