“My throat has always felt "sticky". Is it a problem?”
I always seem to have a sticky throat and it feels like the mucus from the nose is sticking on to my throat. While I have no pain it is an irritating sensation and I always feel like I have to cough something up but nothing happens. What should I do?
3 Answers
It would be worthwhile to be examined by an otolaryngologist in this situation. In the meantime, make sure that you are well hydrated. Avoid any type of smoking or inhalation device. Avoid any dehydrating agents such as caffeine and alcohol. Try to decrease any dairy as this can often lead to sticky mucus in the throat. Some of the most common causes of this dehydration, allergies, and what we often referred to as the silent reflux. This is also known as extra esophageal reflux or laryngeal reflux.
Usually, this symptom is related to post-nasal discharge, which can be improved with hydration of the oral and nasal areas. Try topical nasal saline irrigations to the nasal regions.