Allergist and Immunologist | Allergy Questions Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

Nasal/allergic rhinitis?

I currently have an allergy. I am really sensitive to cat fur, cold weather, stress, cigarette smokes, and smokes. Sometimes I sneeze at certain allergens. I have consulted to doctor and they gave me 'Loratadine' & Nasal Spray. They said that inside my nose, my nasal is swollen. Sometimes it is pretty hard for me to breathe whenever inside the nasal is swollen. However, my mucus never stops producing in my throat (not nose) so I need to throw them away almost every second. But I have no mucus problem on my nose, I think, my nose is almost clear from mucus. It is only my throat because it is stressing me where I need to throw away the mucus frequently from my mouth. Do I have asthma or allergic rhinitis or what disease I am having actually? I hope you can reply and help me. Thank you.

Male | 23 years old
Complaint duration: 19,1,2022

3 Answers

First stop all throat clearing. This creates more secretions as a reflex. Some of items you mention may be allergens, others are not, They are irritants. In winter your allergies should be less active. You need to see an allergist, no your local physician, for possible allergy skin testing. Then get a plan with this knowledge to avoid allergens, establish which medications are indicated, and possibly seek ENT evaluation if surgical management is indicated. Zyrtec is the best OTC antihistamine. Flonase make take several days to get a tissue level. It is a maintenance medication, not something to use sporadically. Find an allergist who will follow you long term.
I would suggest that you see an ear nose and throat doctor to be certain that you do not have laryngopharyngeal reflux which can cause those symptoms as well as allergy. It is also possible that you have both. If you have not seen an allergist and had formal allergy testing, you should.
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I would recommend a fiberoptic exam of the nasal and oral passages by an ENT Specialist to evaluate for postnasal drip, chronic sinusitis, silent reflux, etc.