Chiropractor Questions

Neck pain

I woke up with a stiff neck and hours later it has become a painful spasm of the side of my neck and shoulder. Is this just from sleeping wrong or is it something more serious

Female | 23 years old
Complaint duration: 9 hours

6 Answers

Given the information provided, it appears probable that the muscle spasm may have resulted from an inadequate sleeping posture. However, a definitive assessment without a thorough examination is challenging. I advise seeking consultation with a chiropractor for comprehensive imaging and examination.
Waking up with a stiff neck that progresses to a painful spasm in the side of the neck and shoulder is a relatively common issue that can result from various factors. As a professional with a background in both chiropractic and physiotherapy, here's how I would approach and assess your situation:

### Possible Causes
1. **Poor Sleeping Position:** Sleeping in an awkward position or using pillows that do not properly support the neck and head can lead to muscle strain and stiffness upon waking. This is one of the most common reasons for morning neck pain and spasms.
2. **Muscle Strain:** Overuse or unusual use of the neck and shoulder muscles during the previous day can lead to delayed muscle soreness and spasms.
3. **Stress:** Emotional stress can cause tension in the neck and shoulder muscles, leading to stiffness and pain.
4. **Cervical Spine Issues:** Problems with the vertebrae, discs, or nerves in the cervical spine can manifest as neck pain and muscle spasms. Conditions such as cervical disc degeneration, herniation, or even mild subluxations can contribute to these symptoms.
5. **Injury:** An undetected injury or minor trauma sustained earlier could lead to pain and stiffness the following day.

### Evaluation
Given your age and the description of your symptoms, it's likely that the issue could be due to a non-serious cause like a poor sleeping position or muscle strain. However, it's crucial not to dismiss the possibility of underlying conditions without a proper evaluation. Here's what I recommend:

- **Consultation and Examination:** A thorough physical examination by a chiropractor or physiotherapist can help identify the source of your neck and shoulder pain. This may include assessing your range of motion, checking for any signs of nerve involvement, and evaluating your posture and spinal alignment.
- **Imaging:** In some cases, if there's a suspicion of a more serious underlying condition, imaging studies like X-rays or an MRI may be recommended to rule out issues with the cervical spine.

### Treatment
Initial treatment may focus on relieving the immediate pain and muscle spasm, with strategies including:

- **Manual Therapy:** Gentle manipulation or mobilization of the neck and spine by a chiropractor can help alleviate pain and improve movement.
- **Soft Tissue Therapy:** Techniques such as massage, trigger point therapy, or myofascial release can reduce muscle tension and spasms.
- **Heat Therapy:** Applying heat can help relax muscular tension and provide pain relief.
- **Exercises and Stretching:** Specific exercises to gently stretch and strengthen the neck and shoulder muscles may be advised.
- **Ergonomic and Lifestyle Advice:** Recommendations on sleeping positions, pillow selection, and stress management techniques can help prevent recurrence.

### When to Seek Further Medical Attention
If your symptoms persist despite treatment, worsen, or are accompanied by other symptoms like severe headaches, dizziness, numbness, or weakness in the arms or hands, it's important to seek further medical evaluation to rule out more serious conditions.

In summary, while your symptoms could indeed result from sleeping in an awkward position, it's important not to overlook the possibility of other underlying issues. A comprehensive evaluation by a healthcare professional is the best course of action to determine the exact cause and appropriate treatment.
Waking up with a stiff neck can be a common problem for many at some point in their lives but make sure you are using a good pillow with proper support, drinking enough water and getting ample rest. Would be a good idea to get it evaluated with your local DC.
I'm sorry you are hurting. Please find a chiropractor you can assess your problem and correct it. A sore, stiff and then painful neck hurts a lot.
Yes your neck pain can be fixed
Hi It could be one of the two possibilities you mentioned. You may have slept in an odd position for a long time resulting in spasm. In that case, it should disappear in 24-48 hours using a combination of alternating ice and heat. Otherwise it is a more serious condition that should be evaluated by a chiropractic neurologist. Jay H Schwartz, DC, DIBCN, DIBE