Naturopath Questions Neuropathy


I I went to the doctor because of Burning Sensations in the palms of my hands and having troubles with my fingers. I was sent to a neurologist, and was diagnosed with neuropathy. I didn't think of this at the time but I've also been going for three or four days without going to the bathroom, and have to take a laxative just to go.. could this also be linked to the to the diagnosis and my hands. I am a 62-year old male.

Male | 62 years old
Medications: None

6 Answers

Hi, Naturopathic physicians like myself would look into the root cause of a condition like neuropathy and address that along with making recommendations for nerve healing. Consider scheduling an appointment.
Your GI system is highly innervated, meaning lots of nerves travel to the GI system. If you were having some neuropathy, it is possible to have some mixed signals head to the intestine that slows down transit and causes constipation.
Yes, those symptoms can certainly be related. As a naturopathic doctor, I am always looking to see HOW things are related and if by removing the cause of one symptom, the other improves. What you need to know is WHY you are experiencing neuropathy. It is a big clue that you have the burning sensation in both hands. This makes it very unlikely that the cause is structural, such as in nerve impingement. That leaves the two big areas of nutritional deficiency or toxicity as the underlying cause. Hope that helps, Dr. Bonnie
It's difficult to know without examining you but yes it is possible that the peripheral neuropathy and constipation are related. One possibility is that both are linked to spinal misalignment and nerve impingement, which could be corrected with proper treatment. You may also be deficient in a mineral such as magnesium that could contribute to both. It would be best for you to be evaluated more thoroughly to understand the underlying causes of these concerns.
The two may or may not be related. There are many different reasons people develop neuropathies and many reasons people get constipated. Chronic conditions like uncontrolled diabetes, viral infections, autoimmune disease, etc can cause neuropathies. But benign things like bad posture can cause it as well. It may be worth your while to get evaluated by a chiropractor as well. It is also important to get evaluated for underlying conditions by your primary care physician.
Thank you for your question and I'm sorry for your ailments. It's difficult to answer your inquiry, however, as there is a complete medical history I would need in order to make a scientific, safe, and appropriate comment. This would warrant an appointment.