Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

Nine month old running a fever?

My baby started running a fever 99 to 101. Other than that he acts fine. What could be causing this?

Complaint duration: 2 days
Medications: None
Conditions: None

4 Answers


It could be a virus. Try to Give him plenty of fluids.
Fevers in babies/infants can be concerning due to possible complications. I definitely would go see your pediatrician. Cause? Colds, ear infection, urinary infection, pneumonia, bronchitis, rash, to name a few
There can be many reasons for a fever at this age. If he is otherwise acting okay, it may just be a simple virus, and he may have symptoms in a day or two. However, if he has a fever every day for more than 5 days, please take him to his pediatrician or the ED for some bloodwork. Then the problem could be bacterial, such as pneumonia or an ear infection, and he would require antibiotics.
I hope he gets better soon.

Michelle K. Arzubi-Hughes, D.O., FAAP
For a 9 month old infant who is current on his immunizations, more than 9 out of 10 times fevers as you describe will be due to a viral infection. These fevers will typically resolve in 5 days or less. They may be treated with Tylenol or Ibuprofen, if needed for comfort. If fever persists beyond 5 days, or is accompanied by other symptoms like cough or fussiness, contact with a primary care provider would be appropriate.