Plastic Surgery Questions Plastic Surgeon

Nipple detachment after breast augmentation?

I’ve recently had a tummy tuck, bracioplasty, BBL, and breast lift w/ implants (4 weeks ago) out of country (so I can’t see my plastic surgeon). I had my stitches removed yesterday. The skin surrounding my nipples has come completely detached. A local doctor stitched one of them back but they became detached again 3 days later. They won’t put anymore stitches in due to infection possibilities. Currently I am putting triple antibacterial ointment/cream on them and covering them with gauze, whilst wearing a bra constantly. Will these heal or will my nipples be deformed? What kind of scarring am I looking at? Also, my right implant has not dropped, but my left has. Thank you so much for your time and input.

Female | 33 years old
Complaint duration: 4 weeks
Medications: Vitamins, antibiotics, pain
Conditions: Plastic surgery

8 Answers

So sorry you have experienced such difficulties following your surgery. This can be a very difficult problem - non-healing wounds with implants in place beneath the skin. You need to be seen by a qualified surgeon frequently to monitor how these wounds are healing. Trying to re-suture them at this point is fraught with difficulties, so I would recommend continued conservative wound care, dressing changes, topical antibiotics and possibly the need for systemic antibiotics. Once the wounds have healed and the scars have softened, revisional surgery can be performed to minimize your scarring.
You should consult a local plastic surgeon or at least a wound care specialist. Everyone heals and scars differently so it’s impossible to give you an idea of appearance and outcome at this time. The best thing to do is to heal the wounds, wait for the scars to mature and settle down and determine if any revision is necessary or desired. The big concern will be if the wounds continue to progress and the underlying implants become infected in which case they would need to be removed.
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This answer has some concerns of mine. Therefore, this will be in general. This does not look good. You could possibly lose the nipples. I would strongly suggest you see a plastic surgeon who has a lot of experience with this surgery. If you have a good result in the end, I would suggest going to church the next Sunday.
I suspect your scars will be significant.
I’m sorry.

You need to have it reclosed

D Csikai MD
You have a very serious problem and you need to get back to your original surgeon ASAP. You are doing the right thing to minimize the chances of a serious infection but your wounds have to be closed as soon as possible. It may require removing your implants to relieve the tension in your breasts, that caused your wounds to “ pop” open twice. If this is not taken care of, even if your wounds eventually heal on their own, your nipples will be very distorted and will require a corrective operation.
Regarding your implant position, everything is too tight and while your tissues will stretch, two forces are working against each other. This is a very common complication when augmentations are done at the same time as breast lifts.
You need to get home to your surgeon.
Dr. M
Eventually they will heal but your scars will be wide and maybe thick
Dr. G
Unfortunately, you are in a complication stage after a plastic surgery procedure. The best advice for would be to seek advice from a certified wound care specialist and resolve the wound problem. After the present problem has been resolved, then you should make an appointment with a board certified plastic surgeon.