Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Obsession with cheating?

About 4 years ago, my father who is now 62 years old start accusing my mom of cheating. He started following her and sneaking up on her while at work. He started to call her names and accuse her that she sneaks guys into the house he even believes that others know about it and look down every time he walks by. They do everything together and he is with her 24/7. There will be days that he is ok but he will start the accusations back up. He is watching her all the time and with every chance or wrong move, he will accuse her. I'm feeling bad for my mom because she doesn't know what to do about it. My dad has diabetes but other than that he is in good health. He is becoming so obsessed over cheating that he won't stop trying to prove it. I'm worried about him could this be a sign of a mental concern or disorder?

Male | 62 years old

5 Answers

I am sorry to hear that you and your family are going through some tough times. It seems as though your dad has had some problems in the past with this issue and or has had an experience of this sort with your mother. It seems as if he is hanging on to an incident that happened in the past. He would need to speak to his primary care physician and seek further evaluation. I also believe he should seek help asap. He is showing signs of mental issues and needs to be seen. We do video conferences, telephone conferences, and in-person visits
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Yes, it certainly could. Does he have a PC and an annual checkup? Blood tests? Perhaps you could accompany him and mention his thinking during the time you are there. Or let the doctor know by phone or letter, knowing that he must tell your father that you contacted him. Various tests may reveal the cause of these obsessions. At least it is a good place to start. Your mother, of course, could also do this.
Good luck!


Dr. Marian Shapiro
Yes, I believe he may be showing signs of dementia or other neurocognitive impairment. You may need to see if your mother can schedule him to see a neuropsychiatrist for initial consult and diagnostic work up. 
You should get him assessed by a psychiatrist please.