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Omicron vaccine/Covid-19?

I contracted Covid-19 on February 14, 2019, I was first diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection. Then admitted asymptomatic Covid-19 and had heart congestive heart failure. Plus in 1990 I had Gulliame Barre syndrome and now diabetic plus numerous disorders since 1990 from a flu vaccine/ n1h1) swine flu. I spent 3- 4 yrs in rehab to regain the strength to walk again. My autoimmune system is compromised now and has been since 1990. Now I have a Stent. No doctor can tell me about taking the vaccine for covid. Because of GBS. Is so rare I was diagnosed in Mayo Clinic Rochester MN

Male | 59 years old
Complaint duration: 06 /12/ 20
Medications: Carvediol MAO PARNATE flurosoride..ect
Conditions: Diabetes, heart failure,neuropathy,herniated discs in l2345

1 Answer

It’s not something that most providers will tell you, but the vaccine is not something that I would advocate for. Guillain-Barré is a side effect of the vaccine, which you’ve already had. You can get antibody testing to see what your antibody levels are and what would be if any at all is the right type of vaccination for you. Until then, very hygienic practices, and 95 mask, and stay at least 6 feet away from anybody that you have any question about or don’t know. I wish I had better advice for you, but that is the best at this particular point in time as what we know. Or at least what the public is being provided with.
Thank you for asking me for your question and I wish you well, if you have any further questions please feel free to ask. Merry Christmas happy holidays

Be well,

Brent Reinheimer, MD
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