OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions

Pain in ovary area

I am experiencing a sharp burning pain in my left side where my ovary is. It started this morning and the pain was off and on but within the last 2 hours it's been constant. I had a partial hysterectomy in 2018 and a few years before that had an ablasion. I am 40 getting ready to turn 41 next month. What could be causing the pain?

Female | 40 years old
Complaint duration: 1
Medications: None

2 Answers

Left sided pain can have several possible causes from GYN sources to bowel, colon, urinary and musculoskeletal. Since the pain is persisting it would be best to see a physician, preferably a GYN doctor.
The pain can be coming from several things. 1. Even though you had a Hysterectomy, your ovaries are still going through the normal hormonal cycle and producing follicles (eggs) monthly. The pain could simply be from ovulation or ovarian cyst development. This is a normal part of the ovarian cycle and is when your body has an LH surge that causes the egg to be released.