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Dr. Kirby J. Plessala, M.D.

OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist)

Dr. Kirby Plessala is an obstetrician-gynecologist practicing in Mobile, AL. Dr. Plessala specializes in women's health. He provides routine/annual GYN care as well GYN problem focused care.
Dr. Plessala has a special interest in promoting natural fertility as well as providing assessment and non-invasive treatments for those patients having trouble conceiving successfully. This also includes patients who have suffered from miscarriage and pregnancy loss. Dr. Plessala also provides care for patients of all ages with hormonal problems, including Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and peri-/postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy (HRT). He focuses on more natural and bio-identical therapies for these conditions.
35 years Experience
Dr. Kirby James Plessala, M.D.
  • Mobile, AL
  • La State Univ Sch of Med In New Orleans, New Orleans La
  • Accepting new patients


Yes, there is always a possibility of pregnancy.


Yes, you can get pregnant.

Conception scares

Yes, pregnancy is possibility.

Consistent Bleeding

First you need to stop the birth control. Then you need to see a doctor who can help treat your PCOS naturally.

How do prenatal vitamins increase fertility?

That is a great question. Basically PNVs provide basic nutrients to assist your body in egg production and egg quality.

Having trouble in sex

It sounds that you are suffering from vaginismus which is an involuntary spasm of the vaginal muscle in anticipation of pain. There are some medications that can be helpful here. READ MORE
It sounds that you are suffering from vaginismus which is an involuntary spasm of the vaginal muscle in anticipation of pain. There are some medications that can be helpful here. I would suggest you discuss this with your GYN doctor to get some help. Also, a pelvic floor therapist can be of great help.

The pill

You can take the pill a week before the period. It may delay the onset of your cycle.

vagina bumps

This sounds like you have a condition called hidradenitis. It can be treated but you need to see either a GYN doctor or Dermatologist to get started.

Nipple discharge

Since the discharge is purple in color that might indicate some presence of blood. You should see your Gyn doctor and arrange a mammogram. Also since it is a single duct they may READ MORE
Since the discharge is purple in color that might indicate some presence of blood. You should see your Gyn doctor and arrange a mammogram. Also since it is a single duct they may want to do a study called a ductogram.

Vaginal Pain

You should definitely call your doctor to get treated for the UTI.

Pregnancy scare

Yes, that should be counted as your period.

Personal Question

It would be best to see a GYN doctor and have an exam.

Cyst? Pregnant ?

If your pregnancy tests are positive then you are pregnant. You should see your OBGYN as soon as possible.


You should be seen by a doctor as soon as possible.

Can a pap smear w swab help indicate what these are on my labia majora?

A GYN exam and PAP smear would definitely be the best thing to do to try to get you an answer and a solution.


The simple answer is yes. Any type of birth control can have a failure.

Fertility- small uterus

You should not worry about the uterus being 5.5cm. That is appropriate for someone who has not been pregnant.

Late period

You should make an appointment with your family doctor to evaluate.

Effect after morning after pill

It is not uncommon to see bleeding in this regard as you raise and drop hormone levels. However, if the bleeding does not resolve you should see you GYN doctor.


The first thing to do would be to see your GYN doctor and get a vaginal culture.