Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist


I have had palpitations at night for some time. I do not feel them during the and have no chest pain faintness or dizziness. I have hypertension and am on 80mgs of Propranolol sr caps for this. BP is well controlled. I have had an ECG but have not had a result yet. Am I still ok to drive?

Female | 68 years old
Complaint duration: palpitations 2months
Medications: Propranolol80mgs sr
Conditions: Palpitations High BP

1 Answer

Yes, you can drive. Most likely what you have is extra beats from the lower chamber of the heart. You need to see a cardiologist who will likely order a 24-Holter to evaluate the burden of these extra beats. Should the burden be high, >10K/day, then my suggestion is to see an arrhythmia specialist.
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