Allergist & Immunologist Questions Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

Paratoid swelling?

I have had a swollen tongue and saliva glands for almost a year. After MRI and CT scan they diagnosed sallenditas. It's hard to eat and talk and have been to many Drs. I am very worried and can't talk without throat burning.

Female | 56 years old
Medications: None
Conditions: None

5 Answers

Chronic sialadentis (inflammation/infection of the salivary gland) can be bothersome. Best to stay hydrated, and stimulate salivation with sugar free sour candy (sialogogues). Sometimes an acute infection needs antibiotics. Chronic conditions may have blockages and narrowing of the salivary duct, which can be removed and/or stretched by an ENT. This is called a sialodendoscopy. If you have a stone, it usually can be removed with sialodochotomy or endoscopy.
Throat soreness is likely unrelated. Sialadenitis usually does not cause throat/voice pain.
I am sorry to hear that but unfortunately, this is a chronic condition and there is no prompt resolution. I would advise following up with your ENT for day-to-day management of the symptoms. 

Monika Korff, MD
Diplomate of ABAI
office - 410-730-6000
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Could be Sjogren's disease or other anti-immune disorder. Should stay well hydrated. Antibiotics may be indicated. See an ENT or get a referral to a university ENT department.
There's a lot more to know about you and your condition to offer advice in this matter.

Imaging studies, blood work (including an autoimmune work-up) and a detailed history should be presented to an otolaryngologist and potentially a rheumatologist.
?Addendum-some patients also have a positive Rheumatoid factor and many have high antibody levels(elevated gammaglobulins).