Endocrinology, Diabetes Questions Endocrinology-Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes mellitus patient?

The roof of my mouth has been sore more towards the back for about 4 days. The first two days the pain came and went these last two days it has been consistent and my throat started hurting more today.. it hurts to eat drink and swallow. I have noticed that my face has looked a little more pale than usual. I have type 1 diabetes mellitus, also my fingers have been tingling and my left foot has been swelling up. I'm wanting to know if I should go to emergency room?

Female | 34 years old
Complaint duration: 4 days
Medications: benazapril,mag oxide,admelog,simglee,metformin
Conditions: type 1 diabetes melulitus,hypoglycimia,high blood pressure

1 Answer

Dear patient,

Yes, see your physician or go to the ER as soon as possible for accurate diagnosis. Pain on eating could interfere with diabetic control.


Marvin A. Leder, MD F ACP FACE
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