Dermatologist Questions Dermatologist

Pea sized breast lump?

I have had a small hard lump under the outer part of my left nipple since I was 8 years old. I am now 33 (female). It is normally hardly noticeable and doesn't hurt but right before my period, it is more sensitive. Do you think I should see a doctor? When it first appeared at the age of 8 we were told it was a breast bud. But it is still the same 25 years later. I am just not sure whether it's normal or something to worry about.

Female | 33 years old
Complaint duration: 25 years
Medications: Propranolol, aerius, sometimes naratriptan
Conditions: Migraine, asthma, scoliosis

2 Answers

It does not sound significant from your description since it seems it has been kind of stable for the past 25 years. However, you are 33 years old, you should be having regular annual exams with your gynecologist, and your annual exams should involve a breast exam. I would recommend a visit with your gynecologist if you have not had one yet.
You should mention it to your OBGYN when you have your annual exam. They will be able to get an estimate of size and compare year to year to see if it needs to be imaged at any time.