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Perforated septum?

I recently stopped cocaine use, I noticed I was getting white spots inside my nose which scared me. Now they are trying to heal but they are big sores and I see a hole and am not sure how much bigger it will get since the sores are so large and i noticed too late, I want to know what I can do to help heal my sores so I can prevent as much damage as possible. I'm terribly scared after seeing how the inside of my nose looks.

Female | 32 years old
Complaint duration: One month

3 Answers


Fist things first: Do not use cocaine in any shape or form. Use Saline Nasal Wash. That helps to clean and shrink the nasal surface from inside. After that, use any OTC topical antibiotic and apply a thin layers to inside your nose/ nostrils two times a day. Make sure you are not allergic to any components of the antibiotic. Do not blowout your nose or insert any mechanical idem in your nostrils. Keep it clean. If you see no improvement in three days or things are getting worse, see your doctor. Using cool mist humidifier make the wounds to heal faster.
Well, as you probably know, chronic use of cocaine through the nose causes perforations through the septum. You CAN'T cure this with medicine. You need to see an ENT/Otolaryngology doctor who can examine your nose and do certain tests like a CT scan to see how bad the perforation is. Then they can refer you for surgery if needed.
Healing requires a healthy body, so give it what it needs, vitamins, protein, etc. Avoid smoking and junk food, avoid putting anything in your nose. If it continues to bother you, seek medical care.