OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Period concerns?

I am on the combined pill birth control. I am currently on the 7th day of my period and still bleeding, a medium amount too. I am worried that I won't be done after today. Should I worry or is this normal?

Female | 18 years old

5 Answers

This may be isolated. But keep a journal of your menstrual flow and if persistent visit with your doc for further evaluation.
Do not worry. Start your new pack today take the pills regularly.
The answer to your questions needs a little more background information to correctly address your issue. Any patient on the pill needs to address these few basic issues:

1. How long have you been on this pill? It can take up to 3-6months for your body to adjust to being overridden by artificial hormones of the pill.
2. Have you missed any pills in your pack? Missing even 1 pill can trigger breakthrough bleeding that can last
3. How much stress plays a part in potential break-through bleeding
4. If you had recent surgery as this type of physical stress can cause bleeding, even when patients are well established on their pill dose
5. If you were placed on antibiotics recently for ANY reason
6. If you are an undiagnosed polycystic ovary patient who would already have underlying hormone swings on their own with excess Testosterone production that could actually show as breakthrough bleeding
7. If you have undiagnosed uterine polyps or fibroids, you may bleed through artificial hormones due to the mechanical abnormality of the uterus

These are the most common reasons for breakthrough bleeding; if you have other potential circumstances, then please readdress this questions with more background information.
Usually being on the combined pill for atleast 3 months decreases bleeding. If your bleeding is getting worse? May be you need a higher dose of estrogen. Discuss with your OBGyn.
Stay Healthy!