OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN


I had a tubal ligation (removal of fallopian tubes) September 2019! I've been nauseated for the last 4 days! Today 8/20/21 I took a pregnancy test to rule it out and it shows positive! What is the chances of this being real and the baby being in the right place?

Female | 36 years old
Medications: Hydroclorothiazide 12mg

4 Answers

Get your bro to your dr immediately! Need to identify the place of implantation. If not in the right place, it can be very dangerous to you. Get in today!!

Susan Komorowski, MD
Chances of pregnancy after tubal ligation are rare (1-3/10,000) depending on the method of permanent sterilization. That said, risk of ectopic pregnancy is high when pregnancy test is positive. You need to see your gynecologist right away and get an ultrasound and hcg quant levels done.
Take care!
You need a sonogram to see where the pregnancy is. A concern would be a pregnancy in the Fallopian tube (ectopic) I have seen pts with a normal intra uterine pregnancy after tubal ligation. A sonogram should show the pregnancy between 5 & 6 weeks & to be sure it is in the right place.
You should seek medical care with your gynecologist urgently to have the pregnancy monitored and make sure it is in the right place, there is a very high chance that it is an ectopic pregnancy given your surgical history. Call your doctor and let them know your history and they will advise you to come in for evaluation.