Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Psychiatric help?

I'm worried that I might be hallucinating. A month ago, I was at a drugstore when I saw a rat going behind the counter. I told the clerk about it, and she said there was nothing. More recently, I heard my mother coming back from home, she was speaking (I don't remember what), and when I went to the door to greet her was nobody there. On both occasions, I was certain of what I saw and heard. I'm going to a psychiatrist soon and I want to know if I should tell him about these experiences. I never got a diagnosis, but I believe I'm currently being treated for mild depression and anxiety with sertraline 100mg and risperidone 2mg, nothing major. What do you think it could be?

Male | 19 years old
Complaint duration: Months
Medications: Sertraline and Risperidone
Conditions: None

3 Answers

I would strongly recommend sharing the experiences with your psychiatrist. He or she can answer your concerns more effectively.
You definitely need to tell your psychiatrist about it.
See this link for some help...