I have unilateral, saddle pain, it is anterior and causes pubis symphysis osteitis. It started when I was walking 13 years ago and was 3 months postpartum, as L glute pain, and turned into sciatica that was, cyclically chronic for 2 years, and got better in the 3rd month of pregnancy after being acutely worse. It stayed gone until my periods came back. Strange, but since I have had negative pelvic laparoscopy (2019) and am on continuous birth control for a L-sided cyst and had a NovaSure, yet my symptoms persist. They did get better after pelvic floor PT, which was directly after the NovaSure as well, so again unsure if it is from PT or cessation of my period. It remained quite improved until my flu shot in 2020 when I developed (for lack of an official diagnosis) neuritis that started in my low Tspine about the level of my last rig, wrapped around to my abdomen, into my pubic symphysis, urethritis, and urinary retention, an orgasmic sensation, femur bone pain radiate down to the arch of my foot and vaguely into my big toe, all on the L. It got better after about 6 weeks, and a round of steroids, but has never gone away. Worse when I sit. I have had negative Tspi e through Pelvic MRIs. Questioning whether and Abd. Pelvic CTA is appropriate? And where to get help. I feel like I am not being taken seriously, as this issue progresses. Interestingly enough, I don't have pain in the right, but have a harder time lifting my R leg (i.e. when putting my pants in, I have to lift this leg in sometimes because I can't pull it up enough). At 17 I was slammed on my buttock from a jumping position. playing basketball and had pain shoot down my L leg, never thought about it again until 13 years ago.