Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Puffy eyelids?

I had sinus surveys surgery 3 months ago, everything went well, my deviated septum was moved. But I noticed that my eyelids are really puffy. Now they are getting worse, I went to the eye doctor and he said that I had to take a test to prove to the insurance company that my vision was obstructed. I took the test and failed it. He said to come back in 6 months, well I am due again. When I was driving I had to take my glasses off because the mask was fogging them up. When I did this my eyelid got stuck in the corner of my glasses, I had to swerve and ended up in a ditch. How can I convince my doctor and the insurance company that this is very serious?

Female | 57 years old
Complaint duration: 6 months
Medications: None
Conditions: Puffy eyelids, scratched eyelids

2 Answers

Could be pre septal cellulitis or contact dermatitis. Will need antibiotic.
I'm not sure, if you failed the visual field test, then you should qualify for eyelid surgery to fix them. Maybe the doctor wants to wait to see if it will improve on its own.

Frank Cao