Dermatologist Questions Dermapathologist

Purple dots on arm?

I woke up yesterday to 2 small purple/red dots on my inner left arm. They are pretty small, about the size of a mole, and about an inch apart. They haven't grown in size, but I noticed as I was trying to fall asleep that my left arm felt tired and had pressure in it, kind of like I had just lifted heavyweights. It still feels like this. I have been styling my hair with my arms above my head a lot in the past week and also wearing a dress that is tight around where the dots are, but I'm concerned if it's a blood clot or something. I am only 22 and I have been vaping for the past 4 years.

Female | 22 years old
Complaint duration: 2 days
Medications: birth control pills

1 Answer

It is not possible to diagnose the etiology from the pictures provided. I recommend being seen by a physician so that your arms and chest (lungs) can be evaluated together with your skin.
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