Audiologist Questions Audiologist

Recovery for a stapedectomy surgery?

Hello, Hoping you can help me answer my question. I will be having a stapedectomy surgery for my otosclerosis, How long I should have full recovery before going back to work, I am a Licensed Massage Therapist my job is strenuous in I should be able to hear my Client when they talk?

Female | 50 years old

5 Answers

Usually 4-6 weeks.
I would talk with the Doctor preforming the surgery. They will have a better feel on the recovery process.
That question should be answered by your surgeon
Hi there, I would strongly advise you to direct this question to your surgeon! There are many variables affecting recovery time after any surgery, but your surgeon will be able to best direct you with your case in particular.
That's something that should be discussed with your surgeon. They should review all of that at your pre-OP appointment.