Pediatric Emergency Medicine Specialist Questions Pediatrician

Recurring virus in 4 year old?

Two weeks ago my 4 year old came down with what I thought was a respiratory virus (barking cough, runny nose, slight fever). His cough was so bad that he vomited overnight on the third night but we figured that was from the cough. He improved slightly over the next few days but then five days later he had a vomiting episode unrelated to the cough. After that he was fine, the respiratory symptoms continued slowly improving. Now, three days later he is again vomiting. I’m not sure what’s going on here or how I should be treating it.

Male | 4 years old
Complaint duration: 12 days
Medications: none
Conditions: none

2 Answers

When young children have a severe cough that can trigger gastroesophageal reflux which can cause irritation in the esophagus so that they continue to have reflux and vomit even when the respiratory tract has healed. If it lasts longer than a few days you should have him seen by his pediatrician.
He doesn't have fever anymore and beside the vomiting for what you write he is doing well if he still with nose congestion and runny nose the post nasal drip could be the reason of his vomits, if he continue with vomit without any respiratory symptoms, you should take him to see his pediatrician