Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Red painful eye with vision delay?

About 20 days ago I developed very severe acute sinusitis. About ten days ago, my eye turned red with tearing and pain. The tearing increased and pain became more severe then gradually my vision is affected. I had an eye doctor visit and was diagnosed with adenovirus conjunctivitis. I received steroids 10 times per day with eye lubricant and oral acyclovir and pupil dilator. The pain decreased but sometimes it is severe again, with vision delayed more. I had an eye doctor visit after 5 days as I mentioned before and they told me it is a bad prognosis and there are more ulcers on my cornea. The stromal infiltration subsides but more epith erosion developed and he was confused is it herpes or adenovirus?

Female | 33 years old
Complaint duration: 10 days
Medications: Prednisolone and tobradex and eye lubricant wiz oral acyclovir
Conditions: Non

3 Answers

Could be superficial punctuate keratitis or herpetic keratitis
While I can't dispense medical advice on this forum, it sounds like you are being treated for a herpes corneal infection. If there is poor response, hopefully they can refer you to a cornea specialist who treats this condition frequently.

Frank Cao

I apologize, but it is difficult to answer your question without looking at your eyes and asking more questions. You may want to consider getting a second opinion on these potential differential diagnoses in order to get more clarity and assistance with your situation.

Sharhonda Harrill, OD