Surgeon Questions surgeon

Repetitive abscess?

In 2020 I had to have emergency surgery due to a ruptured stomach. During that surgery, they nicked my spleen which had to be removed a few days later. Since then I keep getting repetitive abscesses where my spleen was. Is this normal? Why would it continue to happen?

Female | 41 years old
Complaint duration: 1½ years

3 Answers

Consult Functional Medicine. Start Acupuncture with Moxibustion. Consult Immunology.
The likely consequence of the rupture and repair surgery are some internal adhesions and small spaces of scar tissue surrounding small spaces. The tissue may have some ongoing breakdown over time. And spleen loss renders a person prone to infection.
Hello, this is not an easy situation. I assume that they have drained these recurrent abscesses by putting a tube into them while you are getting a CT scan.  there may be an infected suture present or other foreign body. If there is not an infectious disease expert on your case you should get one to help out with this.  It could also be that the drainage tubes are removed too early. If possible I would recommend that you go to a University hospital to get this treated the next time it comes up/ develops. There is much information that I do not have related to this situation and thus I can offer no more than this.