Podiatrist Questions Podiatrist

Rolled my ankle?

I rolled my ankle and heard a crack. No extreme swelling or pain just mild and a lot of numbness.

Female | 30 years old

12 Answers

If you heard a crack, I would see a foot and ankle specialist for an x-ray to rule out fracture and receive proper offloading equipment. Call the Foot, Ankle & Leg Specialists at South Florida Institute of Sports Medicine.
You likely stretched and irritated a nerve. But it will take a couple of months for that to resolve. Sometimes a cortisone injection will help calm the problem down.
I recommend you make an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) for diagnosis and treatment options
Try a cloth ankle brace first. Then, consult with your local podiatrist.
Place ice on the ankle, if there's still discomfort after 48 hours, seek medical attention.
ice, elevate, and protect ankle, and also seek podiatrist or orthopedic for xray.
It sounds like a mild ankle sprain. Odds are against fracture but without an x-ray it is hard to rule that out. Rest, ice, compression and elevation are the hallmark treatments from sprains. If it does not improve seek out a specialist.

Dr. Weiss
Thanks for sharing your ankle concern with the FATD community. I am sorry to read about this. I would be happy to offer you my thoughts, tips, and suggestions. A rolled ankle can be an annoying and recurrent problem. Was this the first time? If so, the swelling can arise over the next 2-3 days. Hearing a sound when it rolls can be gas escaping from the joint, or can be a stretching or tearing of tissues around the ankle. Numbness may be due to a sudden stretch of a nerve, but with only mild pain or swelling, I think it is not a severe stretch. The number one reason for rolling the ankle a second time is incomplete rehab of the first ‘roll’. After a week or so, while taking anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) medication (once cleared by your doctor), with food to protect your stomach, the rehab can begin (either at home or at PT). I like these exercises (starting with a range of motion and then progressing to toning, flexibility, and strengthening).
I would recommend you get an x-ray to rule out bone involvement. Once you have ruled out a fracture, then you can use an over the counter ankle brace for a few weeks.
Please schedule an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon as soon as possible. You will need XRs to confirm that there are no fractures of your ankle. Additionally, you may need to be immobilized in a boot or a brace depending on XR findings and ligament and tendon examination.
Probably an ankle ligament sprain plus nerve stretch.Ice,elevation,compression bandage.If no better in 2 weeks see an orthopedic surgeon.
Probably still a good idea to at least get an X-ray.