Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) | Otolaryngic Allergy Questions ent

Runny nose for 2months none stop.

Bend over nose dripping like a tap. Sitting straight up dripping constantly.
At first it's clear then over period of 3 weeks or so infection is setting in. Green,yellow, ,
2weeks later still on going. Clearing off and on. Been blowing my nose min 20 times a day. Its getting tiring . At this moment the infection appears to be gone. I'm still blowing day and night where is all this crap coming from. And why???? And why so long? And my sinuses have had me plugged up in the past, nothing ever like this almost impossible to get any work done. Any ideas?? What shall I do?

Female | 63 years old
Medications: Ceprelex
Conditions: Depression

1 Answer

A natural to clear up persistent nasal discharge or postnasal drip from Sinusitis or Allergies is SinusReLeaf Natural Sinus Rinse, which harnesses the synergistic power of Cannabigerol (CBG) extracted from Hemp, in addition to Xylitol, for safe and effective anti-inflammatory relief from sinus drainage, pressure, irrigation, or congestion. Added benefit of anti-microbial protection of sensitive nasal mucous membranes. You can read more or order on https://www.sinusreleaf.com