Orthopedist Questions


Well I have scoliosis and I need a person to tell me how big my scoliosis is and how I can treat it :(

Female | 14 years old
Complaint duration: 5 years
Medications: I don't use any medication!
Conditions: when I was 10 I had gone to an orthopedist he had told me that my scoliosis is small and that I should do abs and dorsals which I did very rarely! It's been 4-5 years since then! :(

3 Answers

You really need to go to an orthopedic surgeon who is trained in spine to
be evaluated and x-rayed to see if your curve has progressed.

Hope it helps!!

Dr Bose
If it's been 4 years since your last x-ray you need to get a new one in followup. scoliosis progression occurs during growth years and exercise does not halt progression.
The good news is that clinically, you really have minimal asymmetry. In other words, your shoulder look appropriately symmetric and you have a small prominence on the back when bending forward. The only way to determine the magnitude of the scoliosis is an X-ray. The good news is that, at 14 years old, you're done (if not almost done) growing, and based on how your back looks in the images, I would not anticipate that you would need any further management. The first step is to make an appointment with an orthopedist to evaluate you clinically, ensure there are no "red flag" findings that might necessitate an MRI, and so long as the curvature on the X-ray at this point in your life is <45-50 degrees, which it appears to be clinically, you're out of the woods and don't need to do anything.