Pulmonologist Questions Pulmonologist

Shortness of breath but normal EKG and x-ray?

I have been having shortness of breath off and on for the last year or so. I also have slight pain in my chest just to the right of my chest bone. I am a woman, age 40. 4'11 153 pounds - technically considered obese. I have lost 10 pounds in the last 2 months but it doesn't change my symptoms. I went to Dr. about this several months ago, clean EKG, clean chest x-ray, and I went home with an understanding that it must be anxiety causing this. It eventually went away as I believed it was in my head - correlation or causation I do not know. But it's been back the last 2-3 weeks - this constant struggle to "catch" my breath even while resting. Sometimes when I am not paying attention - I don't notice the issue so is it in my head? Or do I not notice it in those moments because it hits me intermittently? Either way, this does not feel right. But if EKG and x-rays are normal what should I ask for when I go back to the Dr.? If EKG and chest x-ray are once again normal what else should I have checked to get to the bottom of this?

Other info:
I have not had the Covid Vaccine but have had Covid in April 2021.
I'm White, non-Latino.
I'm on no drugs or medications.

Female | 40 years old
Complaint duration: 1 year
Medications: None
Conditions: Shortness of Breath

1 Answer

Anxiety is indeed a possibility. Good thing that you have had COVID-19 and survived it. You do not need the vaccine at all. The best inoculation is the wild type disease. Anybody who tells you different is either lying or dead wrong. Sequelae from COVID-19 can be long lasting.