Dermapathologist Questions Dermapathologist

Should I be worried?

Well, to start off I have very little/no money to get insurance or to go to a doctor regularly. The last time I was ever seen was when I was pregnant 12 years ago, but about half a year ago, I had a bump pop up in my leg. not like on the skin or anything. it feels like it's right above the muscle. it was not painful. and it just showed up one day and never went away. About 3 months ago, I had one show up in my right arm as well. Now I have one on my other leg too, as well as near the base of my head on the back of my neck. The first bump did grow a bit though it causes no pain. only the most recent one caused pain as it was showing up. but now no pain at all. Should I be worried about them?

Female | 34 years old

1 Answer

Hi patient, It's sounds like a case of lipomas but I wouldn't be sure of it because many factors play a role in determining if it's a lipoma or something else. Lumps has to be examine to give an accurate answer.