General Practitioner Questions Cough

Should I get medical help

Since Wednesday last week I've had a cough that goes on all day, congestion, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, headaches and chills. I have been bouncing between constipation and diarrhea all week as well as no appetite, I try to eat something such as eggs or crackers or soup and feel like it will just come back up on the first bite. My doctor is fully booked and I do not want to go to urgent care but I also feel like I'm not getting any better.

Female | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 6 days
Medications: Omeprazole and nauzene

7 Answers

Has any travel recently? if so, dengue is up on the differential, also have covid and influenza tests done, and consult with another PCP, unfortunately, i cannot suggest treatment other than over-the-counter meds like cold and flu syrup/pills of some pepto or nexium. clear fluids and blend foods until starting to tolerate solids. good luck
How are you feeling now? Sounds viral
Need check re COVID and pneumonia
Sinusitis. Bronchitis, toxic shock syndrom
Good afternoon, some symptoms are similar to side effects of Omeprazole, but my personal recommendation visit your physician or urgent care. Symptoms are persistent for 6 day, need evaluation ASAP.
If I were you, I would go to urgent care. It sounds like you have a reasonably severe COVID infection.
I recommend that you go to an urgent care since your doctor is booked. Have you tested for covid? In the meantime, try to stay hydrated.