Phychiatrist Questions Physiatrist

Should I get physical therapy for a back injury?

I got a back injury 2 days ago. Should I get physical therapy for a back injury?

7 Answers

Yes, physical therapy can help with a back injury by reducing pain, improving mobility, and preventing further issues.
If pain is ongoing for more than a week, yes, you should get physical therapy.
Yes, Learning to align spine and stretch properly can help with the healing process
I would recommend PT. However, make sure your PCP does proper work up.
most definitely
I would wait. A 2 day injury is considered acute. If it doesn't get better with ice, anti-inflammatories and massage and gentle exercise, you may need to see a PT
Yes, PT can help with back injury. Back injury is vague term and there many causes for it. Various exercises, modalities and biomechanical corrections can rectify, prevent and treat low back injury.