Vascular Surgeon Questions Cardiologist

Should I go to ER if I suspect I have superior vena cava syndrome?

I am a dialysis patient who over the last month has had severe swelling in right side neck, veins protruding on right side, varicose veins on chest, difficulty breathing, ransom blood pressure drops, inability to pull fluid during dialysis due to blood pressure dropping to 80's over 50's. I've been to a few ER's in the area but was sent home because my labs were ok.

Male | 45 years old
Complaint duration: 1 month
Medications: Renvella
Conditions: Esrd,

1 Answer

Yes you should seek urgent evaluation before the dialysis access thromboses. Venous stenosis are easier to manage than access thrombosis. Likely you will need a venous duplex and possibly a fistulogram with venous angioplasty to alleviate the venous stenosis that is likely the cause of the central venous hypertension that's causing your symptoms. 

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