Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Should I go to a chiropractor for legs pain?

I have pain in my legs. Should I go to a chiropractor for legs pain?

8 Answers

It depends on what is going on with it. You would need to get it checked out first but you can go to a chiropractor for that.
A chiropractor is likely to be more successful than alternatives when the pain is nerve related in its cause. Sciatica and pain with neck movement are examples.
Yes. A proper evaluation can determine why your legs are in pain. Can be your feet, knee or back or other possible things depending on your health history.
A chiropractor is a good place to start for an exam to determine the cause of your leg pain.
Hi, Yes, this is the perfect place to determine what is causing your leg pain.
You sure could! Chiropractors tend to be quite good at musculoskeletal diagnosis. They should perform a thorough medical history and examination to determine the cause of your leg pain. From there they should either form a treatment plan or make the appropriate referrals if the cause is not something they can treat.
Leg pains can be from a number of things. you should definitely consult a physician.
A well trained Chiropractor should be able to evaluate it and tell you if he can help or not. He should refer you out if it is beyond his scope of practice.