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Should I go to urgent care because of my hurt ankle?

I fell this AM. I have hurt my left ankle. I wanted advice about going to urgent care.

Female | 75 years old
Complaint duration: 1 day
Conditions: hurt ankle

6 Answers

It is always best to be proactive with ankle injuries. I would recommend an X-Ray to rule out possible fractures and to receive proper ankle offloading equipment.

definitely, earlier you seek care, the earlier treatment can begin.
If no swelling and the ankle bones are not tender you might wait a day or two to see what happens.
Urgent Care is a good option if you are not able to be evaluated in a timely manner by a specialist. I recommend you make an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) ASAP for evaluation and treatment options
If you can not walk immediately after an ankle sprain or injury, you could have fractured the ankle. If you can walk, but it is difficult, I would recommend seeing a professional to evaluate your condition
At your age I would recommend urgent care.