Dental Hygienists Questions Dentist

Should I take my 3 years old daughter to a dentist?

My daughter has a cavity. Should I take my 3 years old daughter to a dentist?

11 Answers

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends every child be seen by their first birthday. Half of my patients are 3 and under. You wouldn't believe how many 3 year olds have severe decay that could have been caught early and easily treated when cavities are small. Please go soon!

It's highly recommended to schedule a dental visit for your 3-year-old daughter. Regular dental check-ups from an early age are crucial for several reasons:

Early Detection: Regular visits allow the dentist to identify and address potential dental issues, such as cavities, before they become more severe.

Prevention: Routine cleanings and examinations can help in preventing dental problems and ensuring optimal oral health.

Guidance: The dentist can offer valuable advice on maintaining your child's oral hygiene at home, including proper brushing and flossing techniques.

Monitoring Growth: These visits are essential to monitor the growth and development of your child's teeth and jaws.

If, during the examination, the dentist identifies a cavity or any other concern, they will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the situation and discuss the best possible treatment options. It's always our priority to ensure that children maintain good oral health and have a positive dental experience.

Scheduling regular dental appointments is an investment in your child's overall health and well-being. We look forward to assisting you in ensuring that your daughter has a lifetime of healthy smiles.

Warm regards
Yes. 3 is a great age to start children at a Pedodontist. They are dentists that see only children. They would be best suited to care for your child if she has a cavity. Best of luck
You should start taking your child to a dentist as soon as they start erupting teeth.
yes! Bring her in for a consultation and slowly adapting her to the environment
It is best to take your daughter to a dentist. If she does have a cavity, your dentist will recommend a treatment. This is especially important because she in 3 years old, and most of her adult teeth wont start coming in until at least approximately 6 years old. If the tooth she has a cavity on turns out to be one that will not come out until she's about 9-11years old, then the chances of her being in pain or getting an infection are greater because the cavity will get worst.
Absolutely Yes!!
Yes, take her to a pediatric dentist. The first dental visit is recommended by 12 months of age or within 6 months of the first tooth coming in.
It is important to take your daughter every 6 months to the dentist, Once a person has 1 tooth in mouth there is risk for developing caries lesions, gingivitis, abscess, or any other condition.
Yes, age one is the best time to start with the dentist to learn good home hygiene techniques and do a checkup.