Dentist Questions Dentist

Should underbite be corrected?

I was diagnosed with an underbite. Should underbite be corrected?

8 Answers

Ideally yes, you may need jaw surgery (orthognathic surgery). You can start off with a consultation with an orthodontist.
It depends upon the severity of the underbite problem, advised to see an orthodontist for further assessment. Yes, it could be treated or need to treat the cause to prevent it from worsening.
There can be some benefits to correcting your underbite. However, there are varying degrees of severity for underbites. The best thing to do is get a consultation from a local orthodontist to review possible treatment options for you.
There are people who function fine and feel fine about the way they look with a small "underbite" (aka class III malocclusion). However many people do not feel good about their smile or have difficulty functioning with this malocclusion. Moreover, people can develop TMJ problems when functioning with ANY malocclusion. If you decide to have this treated, proper diagnosis is vital before any treatment is done. Is the malocclusion dental or skeletal in origin? This will determine if your issue can be treated with braces only or a combination of braces and surgery. Make sure that your orthodontist has treated many class III patients before and is very experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of class III malocclusions.
From a professional standpoint, yes. We would like everyone to have the chance to have a properly aligned bite. Functionally your teeth will work better with greater longevity. See a trained orthodontist for that work.
Yes, an underbite needs to be corrected.
What a great question! An underbite is considered a Class 3 jaw classification. It generally means that the top jaw that holds the upper teeth has not grown far enough forward. This can cause issues with breathing and sleep. Starting early treatment with orthodontics/orthopedics can help guide growth. You can look for a provider at Foundation for Airway Health: - I highly recommend finding a dentist/orthodontist/pediatric dentist on this website to do an evaluation. Early treatment can consist of an embrace appliance and/or an expander. This page is also a great resource to read before going in to see someone: that you find the right care for your family. Sending you love :)
Yes, underbite can cause problems in your temporomandibular joint, and wear of the tooth surface due to malposition, besides having an impact on facial aesthetics and function.