Orthopedics Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Shoulder Slap Tear/Bicep Tenodesis Surgery?

I had shoulder slap tear and bicep tenodesis surgery on my right dominant side 2.5 weeks ago. Yesterday evening, I accidentally without thinking grabbed a glass bowl of soup with my two hands to take it to the kitchen table. After a few steps, I realized what I was doing and right away switched the bowl over to my left hand. About 1-2 hours later, I started experiencing a lot of throbbing, aching, and shooting pain from my shoulder to my hand. I took narco last night and this morning and am still feeling pain with and with no movement of my arm. Did I reinjure it? Or will I be okay after a few days?

Female | 38 years old

1 Answer

Immobilize your arm while awake with an ACE sleeve for about 8-12 weeks. Increase internal repair mechanisms by taking Alive MVI gummies for men double the dose, Vitamin C 2,000 mg daily (NOW brand), Vitamin D3 50,000 IU softgel weekly (NOW brand) and Magnesium citrate softgel 400-800 mg daily (Carlson brand).