Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Shoulder arm pain?

I have pain behind my right shoulder blade which travels down my right arm all the way to my fingers.

Male | 67 years old
Complaint duration: 7
Conditions: good

3 Answers

More than likely you have some degeneration of the cervical area and this decrease in joint space is pinching on a nerve...
If you are having pain from your right shoulder blade, down your arm and into your fingers, you should go and get assessed by your Chiropractor, DO, or Orthopedic specialist to discover the cause. You should have your strength of your upper extremity and grip evaluated for any weakness. Imaging such as X-ray and possibly MRI should be considered. Given your age, your doctor will want to rule out any conditions that could cause this complaint such as Osteoarthritis, Muscle Tension, Degeneration in the Discs of your neck, Stenosis. Once the cause is confirmed, a proper course of treatment can be sought.
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Typically I see this presentation with patients that have a compressed nerve in the neck. It could be from a bulging disc or spinal degeneration. I would suggest seeing your Chiropractor for x-rays of your neck.