Sleep Medicine Specialist Questions Sleep Medicine Specialist

Sleep paralysis?

Okay, so for the past 3 months, I've had some kind of sleep paralysis that only occurs during the day when I nap. I'm 16 years old and don't know why it happens. To be more descriptive basically what happens is like 5 minutes or less of me going to sleep, I usually go into some dream, and then it turns weird and boom, I go into some sort of paralysis. Then while in the paralysis state, for some reason I feel my jaw move up and down and I have little control of my arms and legs, I can usually rotate them a tiny bit if I think really hard too. Also when I get out of the paralysis state which lasts no longer than 10 seconds sometimes my hand will have tremors. Any ideas?

Male | 16 years old
Complaint duration: 3 months
Medications: None
Conditions: None that Im aware of

2 Answers

You have to go see a sleep physician. You can find one at St. Lukes hospital.
Sometimes it could be the care in people who have an illness named Narcolepsy, or because of certain medications, lifestyle, or recreational drug use such as cannabis. Sometimes it happens as a normal phenomenon when your sleep routine is disturbed when you go directly into the rapid eye movement phase of sleep as that sleep phase is a natural safety mechanism that our physical body is put to paralysis when we are actively dreaming so that our body parts don't move according to movements performed in dream to keep you and whoever else is sleeping with you. And if your mind wakes up suddenly prematurely during this sleep phase, then you will notice this kind of phenomenon. You may want to see your doctor to rule out Narcolepsy or other treatable or preventable causes.