General Practitioner Questions Sore Throat

Sore throat and inflamed tonsils

My throat has been hurting for about a week but it happened pretty sudden one morning. I’ve had headaches, my ears hurt/pop especially when swallowing, nose running, sneezing, my lymph nodes feel swollen, it’s painful to swallow, I’m dealing with post-nasal drip. I’ve used theraflu, mucinex, nyquil, allergy medicine, and Flonase. I know I should head to the doctor, but I just thought it was extreme allergies. I commonly get flu like symptoms with my allergies but this is different and painful. I’ll also include a picture I can’t tell if my tonsils are swollen or not but they hurt. Any ideas on what could be wrong.

Female | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 7

1 Answer

Your throat is definately inflamed. Are you measured your temperature? A CRP would be nice, as well as a throat culture. It sounds like an infection, but it could also be an allergic reaction, as you have suggested. You need to see your GP fo get the difference ascertained.