Radiologist Questions Radiologist

Source of pain question?

I have a question about my knee x-rays. I have a lot of constant knee pain, I use an ml830 laser on them a lot. My ankle is really damaged- the two main supporting joints have osteoarthritis/neuropathic changes with three ligaments slightly ruptured..I have severe tendinitis, baxters neuropathy, auto immune nerve compression, etc.

My question is my knee x-ray just showed calcific tendinitis on both knees..with the right having mild medial tibiofemoral compartment/patellofemeral compartment osteophyte formation. The left has minimal patellofemeral compartment osteophyte formation. My physiatrist said knees looked ok. I explained how there was constant pain there, he seemed like he understood but did not tell me how painful that could be. I am just wondering could the calcific tendinitis with osteophyte cause constant bone on bone pain all day like I am having? Or is that not very painful and its just my ankle alignment causing an issue? My L5S1 is herniated too..just wondering because my knee issue causes a lot of pain and I am wondering if those things may explain it.

Male | 37 years old
Medications: Suboxone 8mg 2x daily, meloxicam

2 Answers

A similar story of my life...I'm uncertain as to your underlying chronic condition. Diabetes? Auto-immune disease? I'm 55 and have always been bow-legged (varus knees). I've suffered bad knees for decades after being very athletic in high school and college. Looking at a left knee implant in January. Your body is like a house...bad foundation...bad house....all of your
ankle, knee, and spine issues are almost certainly related. Get second opinions, MRIs and nerve conduction studies.
All the best.
Yes, your knee pain may be related to the arthritis. There is no direct correlation of the changes on X-ray to the pain. Some patients will have more pain with less arthritis than others, who may have a lot of arthritis on the X-ray, but little pain.

Jeffrey R. Carlson, MD