“What do the results mean from my CT scan?”
Endometrium measures 19.5mm. Apparently slightly heterogeneous focal endometrial thickening with some cystic foci over the posterior upper uterine body/fundus. Right adnexa right over measures 3.3x2.8x3.1cm a 3.7cm simple cystic structure over the right ovary. Left adnexa ovary measures 3.3x2.8x2.2 a 2.4x1.6x1.7cm left adnexal cystic structure with minimal internal echo's or artifact adjacent to the parenchyma of the left ovary. Fluid trace free in the pelvis likely physiologic.
My question is what does all that mean?
Female | 29 years old
3 Answers
However, in brief, you have a small right ovarian cyst which is very common. It will be up to the referring to decide how to best monitor this.
The endometrium (a portion of the uterus which normally changes with your cycle) is most likely in a phase just prior to your cycle. This needs to be confirmed and perhaps monitored in another six weeks.
The structure in the left adnexa (near the left ovary) is indeterminant. It will be up to the referring to decide how to best monitor this.
A small amount of free fluid in the pelvis is normal for menstruating females.
Probably not the definitive answers that you are looking for, but again, radiology findings are a piece of the whole puzzle. The referring needs to assemble them. I recommend talking to them about this report at your earliest convenience. Best of luck.